Caroline Duffy, a successful cartoonist living in New York, seeks a new colourist and her choice is Richard Karinsky, an uptight artist that always wears black clothes. She has ups and downs with her boyfriend Del Cassidy, who works as her editor in his father's greeting cards company.
The second season starts when Richard returns to New York and finds Caroline in the arms of a younger man. Her relationship with young veterinarian Joe is the main plot during the most of the episodes. Also, the main plot is Richard's suffer when he realizes that Caroline never got his love letter... but Annie did.
At the end of the second season, Julia, Richard's "sincere amore" showed up and when Caroline realized that she loved Richard, he was already married to Julia. The pressure between them was rising, even despite that Caroline met Trevor.
After Richard's divorce, he can finally be together with Caroline. Del was forced to sell his company, Eagle Greeting Cards, which was taken over by a big publishing company and in the end, Caroline and Richard were forced to move to the company office building.
As far as we know CBS Broadcasting holds all copyrights and trademarks for Caroline in the City series. No copyright infringement intended.
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